He desires to separate the students using the void-ranking system after Hare's death and this makes everyone feel discontent. Bad Boss: This is the reason he eventually made the school turn against him in "exodus (Revolution)".However, it seems that it's just Shu's standard winter gear and that Shu happens to be a trendy dresser.

Badass Longcoat: Along with a Scarf of Asskicking.The Atoner: Following the disaster that was the Kingdom of the Void.In the epilogue, he's shown with a prosthetic arm. Artificial Limbs: After Gai cuts off his Void Genome arm, Shu later gets a replacement with his crystalline arm Void.He asks and apologizes while extracting everyone's Voids. An Arm and a Leg: His Void Genome arm is cut off by a Back from the Dead Gai.He also has trouble with making eye contact with other people. When he makes a carelessly cold remark about someone else and is admonished for it, he can only think about his own feelings that were hurt, rather than feeling bad about what he said. Ambiguous Disorder: He's an Extreme Doormat with No Social Skills who admits to himself that his mind might be out of step with everyone else's, and has only made "friends" by going along with what other people say.He even asks permission before using Voids. All-Loving Hero: By Episode 11, he's upgraded to this.Accidental Pervert: He often gets into compromising positions with girls such as Kanon and initially Ayase, and it even takes a few times to get him to draw out his Void correctly.An unsociable seventeen-year-old high school student at Tennouzu High School and a member of the modern motion picture research club, Shu gains the ability "Power of Kings," enabling him to extract weapons from other people, after a chance encounter with Idol Singer Inori Yuzuriha.